Kia Sportage: All wheel drive (AWD) / For safe all wheel drive operation

Kia Sportage QL (2015-2025) Owners Manual / Driving your vehicle / All wheel drive (AWD) / For safe all wheel drive operation

✽ NOTICE - All wheel drive

The conditions of on-road or offroad that demand all wheel drive mean all functions of your vehicle are exposed to extreme stress than under normal road conditions. Slow down and be ready for changes in the composition and traction of the surface under your tires. If you have any doubt about the safety of the conditions you are facing, stop and consider the best way to proceed. Do not exceed the ability of yourself or your vehicle to operate safely.


Driving across the contour of steep hills can be extremely dangerous. This danger can come from slight changes in the wheel angle which can destabilize the vehicle or, even if the vehicle is maintaining stability under power, it can lose that stability if the vehicle stops its forward motion. Your vehicle may roll over without warning and without time for you to correct a mistake that could cause serious injury or death.


Reduce speed when you turn corners. The center of gravity of AWD vehicles is higher than that of conventional FWD vehicles, making them more likely to roll over when you turn corners too fast.

WARNING - Steering wheel

Do not grab the inside of the steering wheel when you are driving off-road. You may hurt your arm by a sudden steering maneuver or from steering wheel rebound due to impact with objects on the ground.You could also lose control of your steering wheel while driving on rough terrain.

WARNING - Wind danger

If you are driving in heavy wind, the vehicle's higher center of gravity decreases your steering control capacity and requires you to drive more slowly.

WARNING - Driving through water

Drive slowly. If you are driving too fast in water, the water can get into the engine compartment and wet the ignition system, causing your vehicle to suddenly stop. If this happens and your vehicle is in a tilted position, your vehicle may roll over.


WARNING - AWD driving

CAUTION - Mud or snow

If one of the front or rear wheels begins to spin in mud, snow, etc. the vehicle can sometimes be driven out by depressing the accelerator pedal further; however, do not run the engine continuously at high rpms to free the vehicle from snow or mud because doing so could damage the AWD system

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